Asian Hospital and Medical Center (AHMC) ended the month of May with a bang as it hosted three events to launch their “Alagang Deserve, Alagang Sulit” campaign.
The first event that took place on May 31, 2023 was the Media Meet at The Bellevue Manila. The event was also the hospital’s way of thanking members of the press for their support over the years. In his welcome remarks, AHMC President and CEO Dr. Beaver Tamesis pointed out that one of the most important lessons that the pandemic taught was that all Filipinos deserve the best healthcare.
“So that is why we are here today. We want to let everyone know that we are here to serve. We are not only here for Alabang, but for all communities that need good healthcare and that means everyone around us,” Dr. Tamesis said. The hospital also introduced content creator Justine Luzares as the campaign ambassador for its digital platforms and gave sneak peek of the AHMC Wellness Card.

Best of the world’s services
He added that the “Alagang Deserve, Alagang Sulit” campaign was AHMC’s way of informing the world that the hospital will do “the best to bring the best of the world’s services, the best level of standards to our fellow Filipinos.”
“Filipinos deserve the best healthcare. Alagang Asian is really top class and very global. Our standards exceed global standards and that is what Filipinos deserve. So, we want to make sure that we can reach everybody who needs the kind of services that we offer,” Dr. Tamesis said.
For his part, AHMC Chief Medical Officer Dr. Jose Acuin said Asian Hospital’s more than 1,000 doctors are committed to make this campaign work. He added that AHMC already had a track record of extending exemplary healthcare to ordinary families. “We performed a brain surgery on an engineer who had recently lost his job. We were able to help the patient pool the funds he needed the bayanihan way,” Dr. Acuin explained.
Sneak peek of the Wellness Card
To support the “Alagang Deserve, Alagang Sulit” campaign, Asian Hospital revealed its Wellness Card. Hennesy Lou E. Miranda, AHMC Director of Marketing and Patient Experience, explained that the hospital saw the need to come up with a tangible product that would offer value for money.
“This is why we are launching the Wellness Card. We call this the Wellness Card because this promotes Wellness and this comes in two variants – the Basic and the Premium Card,” she explained.
Card holders are entitled to avail of the Basic Five Package at the Center for Executive Wellness. The Basic Five includes CBC, urinalysis, fecalysis, chest X-ray, physical exam and free body composition analysis. Other benefits of card holders include up to 10 percent discount on certain outpatient services, free room upgrade for those who need to be confined, among others.
“The Basic Package costs P2,800 so this is a perfect gift of wellness for your family and friends,” Miranda said. The campaign’s AVP was also launched during the media meet with content creator Justine Luzares featuring the hospital’s various services. The event was hosted by radio and TV host Mon Gualvez. On hand to provide entertainment were the Elite Pioneer Dancers and Emergency Room Nurse Angela Abrio.
Watch the campaign’s AVP here:
Hospital grand launch
After the media meet at The Bellevue Manila, AHMC officials and employees gathered at the hospital lobby for the campaign’s grand launch. The program was similar to that of the media meet with Drs. Tamesis and Acuin and Miranda giving their remarks on the campaign and on the Wellness Card.
Performing at the hospital launch were the St. Michael College of Laguna and the AHMC Doctors Chorale. There was also the unveiling of the new internal murals as well as the premier of the employee, doctors, and patients’ videos.
The day ended with AHMC officials returning to The Bellevue Manila for the Ambassadors Night. Present during the event were the leadership team of Metro Pacific Health (MPH) headed by MPH CEO Dr. Harish Pillai and MPH President Augusto Palisoc.
Testimonials from patients, employees and doctors sharing their best experiences at AHMC were the highlight of the night.
“Thinking about this whole experience at Asian Hospital – we parents were also cared for, attended to and treated like family. And for that, we thank you Asian Hospital and Medical Center. God bless each and every one of you a thousandfold,” said Joyce Chua, the parent of one of the patient ambassadors.
The performers at the Ambassadors Night were the Elite Pioneer Dancers, Marielle Tuason, Dr. Mike Santos.
“With Alagang Deserve, Alagang Sulit, what I can promise you is that we will do everything we can for you, for your health,” Dr. Tamesis said.
Article and photos by: Asian Hospital and Medical Center (AHMC)
Mark Louie Napoles
Manager, Corporate Affairs
(0998) 959 7415